Asbestos Survey and Management Limited is a growing asbestos consultancy who specialise in delivering tailor made asbestos solutions to our customers. Asbestos is the greatest single cause of work related death in the UK. Asbestos regulations specifically The Control of Asbestos at Work Regulations 2012 (CAR2012), require all duty holders in non- residential premises to manage asbestos. Many of our customers are unsure how they can best manage their asbestos responsibilities; this is where ASM come in. Our team of experienced, knowledgeable and professional asbestos consultants are here to help.
We recognise the pressures your business faces and understand that you need a trusted partner to help manage your asbestos concerns. Our comprehensive range of services are delivered by members of our own team, as qualified professionals they will identify the risks and recommend what, if any, action needs to be taken.
At the heart of our success is the quality and reliability of all our services, which result in satisfied customers and trust. Our asbestos consultants are all highly trained and experienced, working to the asbestos accreditation standards in the UK. With the increasingly complex asbestos regulations, we help our customers meet statutory requirements whilst developing practical, cost effective and usable asbestos management plans and systems.
Services include
- Asbestos management plans
- Asbestos consultancy
- Project management
- Asbestos air monitoring
- Asbestos surveys
- Asbestos testing